Thursday, October 29, 2009


Stinson Beach, CaliforniaImage via Wikipedia

I don't think I have mentioned it in my blog, but my hubby is a musician. He's always been a musician, but currently, he is working musician. The band that he is playing with is doing very well and it looks like we will be going out to California in the spring for group of shows. Yes!!! I am SO excited. This is another motivating factor for me, because California means sun, sea, and beach appropriate clothing, baring clothing. We are going to Northern CA and so the plan is to take an extended trip and visit Napa and San Fran. Love, love, love Northern CA. Hubby has never been so I am very excited to be able to see the sights with him.

I have been very focused this week. I realize it is only Wednesday, but I feel very good about my efforts this week. I have been very careful about my nutrition, being sure to track every morsel of food that hits my mouth and painstakingly count calories.(which I dislike, but realize I have to do it, otherwise I will eat mindlessly and rack up huge calorie numbers for the day). I had visited a nutritionist a few months ago and we figured out my calorie deficit target. I have been able to stay within my calorie target for the last three days (I consider this huge progress, for me) and I have worked out in the office gym twice. This means that I am hitting my calorie deficit. Yes!

I'm is Wednesday, which means I am half-way through the work week, The Office is on tomorrow, and Friday night is my pumpkin carving party!

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